Growing your fitness business right now can be tough. You finally get to reopen but probably have to run at limited capacity…
That’s why we wanted to put together these proven strategies that’ll help you grow your studio no matter what.
These are the top 5 videos on YouTube full of strategies helping fitness studio owners and managers grow through good times and bad. Plus, we’ll provide FREE Cheat Sheets for each video. You can download them here:
5. Fitness Studio Sales Script Cheat Sheet
4. Measuring Effective Ad Campaigns Cheat Sheet
3. Lower Fitness Business Cost Per Lead Check List
2. 5 Hacks to Dominate YouTube Advertising Cheat Sheet
1. 11-Step Sales Strategy For Gyms: The Definitive Guide
“If you’re not growing, you’re dying,” Brittany Welk, co-owner of LadyStrong Fitness and Loud Rumor Virtual Training (LRVT) Performance Coach says, “that’s why owners need to go all-in with the things that actually grow their business.”
For Brittany and her fitness business, going all-in means investing in training and mentoring like LRVT as well as investing time in learning through things like these 5 videos—starting with #5…
#5: Master Your Fitness Studios Sales & Marketing Strategy
In this video, Loud Rumor CEO Mike Arce gave an incredible, interactive Sales & Marketing training at Opex Fitness.
In less than an hour, the studio owners at Opex became armed and ready to generate more fitness business leads and convert those leads into paying members.
“What is everyone’s 2 favorite words in the entire world?” Mike asks the group. The room went silent…
During this segment, Mike teaches them how to lead every phone call when they have a prospect on the line. The goal is always the same: Get the prospect to book an appointment at your studio, right?
What usually ends up happening is before you can pitch them to come in, they ask you what the price is. At that point, the call is probably over.
With the techniques Mike teaches Opex Fitness, you’ll almost never deal with the price question.
Before you watch the video, answer this question: What’s your first and last name?
Those are your 2 favorite words in the entire world… Mike explains why in this awesome training video.
YouTube Video #4 is a GSD Show interview where you’ll learn there’s no limit to what you can achieve with your fitness business.
#4: Matt Kafora: From 1 to 7 Orangetheory Fitness Locations
What’s interesting about so many studios having to run at limited capacity is that it doesn’t mean your business is limited in what it can accomplish—what you can accomplish.
Matt Kafora is a big believer in this.
He owns 7 Orangetheory Fitness locations and each of them is doing 7-figures.
He’s also the Performance Director for LRVT and during lockdown, broke both his knees in a freak accident and still successfully reopened all 7 of his studios.
“You have to treat this like a burn the boat situation,” Matt says, “you have no other choice but to be successful. That’s it.”
Matt understands what studio owners go through when it’s all on the line because it’s where his grit and mental toughness came from.
In this interview, you’ll learn exactly what he did to go from 1 fitness studio to 7, from marketing and sales to hiring and leadership.
This interview’s one of my personal favorites because of what it’s done for other studio owners…
Many of the top fitness studio owners Loud Rumor works with say this was the interview that helped them hit that next level and showed them what’s possible.
Video #3 on this list is a full intro class to fitness studio marketing. How to advertise on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, how to target prospects, what to offer, and more…
#3: FREE Training: Fitness Studio Marketing | Part 1 of 3
In this YouTube video, Loud Rumor CEO Mike Arce walks fitness business owners step-by-step through:
- Figuring out your target audience based on age, gender, and location
- What to offer your target audience to get them into your studio
- How platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Google AdWords work together
- Building a marketing funnel to dramatically increase your lead flow
- A/B testing your Ads and Landing Pages so you know what works best
- Building Landing Pages that convert cold audiences into hot leads
…here’s what’s really cool about this video: This is just the beginning. Part 2 of 3 is Intermediate Marketing and Part 3 of 3 is Advanced Marketing (what the best studio owners do).
“The first 30 seconds of your YouTube Ad is FREE advertising,” Mike says, “even if people skip after 5 seconds, you got in front of them for 5 seconds and didn’t pay a dime.”
On top of that, if you spend $1,000 on advertising and you sign enough members to make that $1,000 back are you disappointed?
No way! That’s FREE advertising.
Plus, the people who saw your Ad that month might not convert for another month or two, but that’s the Ad that got them thinking about your fitness business instead of someone else’s.
“We’ve really been able to identify what the top 5% of fitness studios do really well versus what everyone else is doing…” Mike explains, “and it really is a huge difference.”
This is the exact marketing process your fitness studio should be following to get the most return-on-investment with your marketing budget.
Top YouTube Video #2 actually pairs perfectly with this. You can create simple videos that will get people interested in your fitness studio both organically online and through advertising…
#2: 15 Simple Video Ideas to Get Your Fitness Studio More Leads
Video is a great way to attract cold audiences by helping them solve problems with fitness, form, nutrition, etc.
It’s also a great way to increase retention and boost sales.
In fact, it’s why we’ve included pre-recorded videos like this to go with your virtual live stream and recorded workouts in Elite Virtual Studio {{LINK}} (a great way to risk-proof your business with an additional source of income).
“This is just 15 topics,” Mike says, “there’s literally 1,000’s that you could do but the best way to know which ones work is to write down the most common questions you get from your members.”
If your members are asking the same questions over and over…
Should I do the Keto diet?
What are good fats vs. bad fats?
How do I burn more body fat?
…then your future members, leads, and prospects are all asking those same questions too. Which means, if you’re the one who answers them, they’ll trust your fitness studio to help them.
Finally on this Top 5 YouTube Videos list is your definitive guide to converting leads into paying members. This video teaches you the entire fitness business sales process step-by-step.
It even includes sales scripts you can use over the phone and when you’re facing objections during the close.
#1: 11-Step Sales Strategy For Gyms: The Definitive Guide
This is probably the part where fitness studios struggle the most: Sales.
In this FREE, in-depth guide, you learn how to close the deal and sign more members.
Every step is laid out for your fitness business to turn leads into paying members and soon after, referral machines and 5-star reviewers!
The first thing, before Step #1, is to truly believe in what your fitness business does and what you’re selling.
If you don’t believe in your studio’s ability to help people, you’ll have a hard time signing more members. However, as Mike Arce says:
“When you sell with this mindset and use the steps I share in this video, you’ll find sales to be a lot more enjoyable.”
We’ve searched everywhere and this might be the most in-depth, step-by-step, FREE guide to fitness studio selling anywhere. That’s why it’s #1.
Thousands of people have watched this video, read the blog version, and have been able to sign more in-person and virtual fitness studio members than they thought they could.
Those are the Top 5 Loud Rumor YouTube Videos as well as 5 FREE Cheat Sheets to help you grow your fitness studio.
Another way to “go all-in” as Brittany Welk says “with things that help you grow your fitness business” is to join her, Matt Kafora, Loud Rumor CEO Mike Arce and other industry experts on Saturday, September 12th for the 2020 Sales Bootcamp!
Just click below to register now. This is going to be a virtual event like you’ve never experienced before: