GSDCON | #1 Conference for Gyms & Fitness Studios | November 2-3

Your Fitness Business Is NOT Surviving This Pandemic | It’s Building A Future BEYOND Crisis…

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I hear it all too often during the chaos of this Coronavirus: “I just need to get to ________.” Fill in the blank with a date or financial savings amount. This is a survival mindset when this crisis has given you the perfect opportunity to capitalize on a thrive mindset

Don’t Survive The Crisis, Thrive In It

If this sounds easier said then done, you’re right… but all things worth doing are difficult, doesn’t make them any less worth doing NOW. Hopefully, Coronavirus opened your eyes and exposed your business — it did for us and how we help fitness studios like yours.

In an instant, you had to close your doors, people couldn’t do your workouts and boom, cancellations and pauses started skyrocketing and justifiable panic sets in. That’s how a crisis works, right? But…

This crisis was completely unpredictable and out of your control. Yet, it nearly cost you your business. For some, it did cost them their fitness studio and it breaks my heart.

Too many didn’t take advantage of pivoting into an online fitness option, too many fitness studios thought they could wait this crisis out, too many fitness studios gave up. While other studios… are thriving.

Thriving doesn’t necessarily mean financial success or security… it’s more than that.

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What Thriving During Crisis Means For Fitness Studios

For fitness studios, thriving during COVID-19 means a few things:

  • Having an online fitness option that’s generating revenue
  • Crisis negotiations with Landlords and Vendors to store up cash reserves
  • Building new relationships, with new members, in new locations
  • Capitalizing on some of the lowest Costs Per Lead (CPL) we’ve seen

But here’s the most important sign of thriving:

Coming out of this pandemic with TWO revenue generators—your online fitness studio and your physical studio—and the ability to prepare and conquer any and all future crises that threaten your fitness business.

THAT is what thriving during Coronavirus truly means.

The Paycheck Protection Program Won’t Save Your Fitness Studio

Once the PPP (Paycheck Protection Program) was announced, many of the same fitness studios who were in “survival mentality” and only building a stop-gap, “good enough” online option to get through the pandemic, breathed a sign of relief and went right back to:

“Ok, now I can just wait this thing out” mode.


The Paycheck Protection Program will NOT save your fitness studio. It’s a supplement designed to help you get through this. It’s not a bailout. The smart fitness studios, the top 5% of the studio owners Loud Rumor works with, will take the PPP and use it to grow their online training platform.

They’ll enhance the audio and video quality of their at-home, virtual workouts. They’ll increase their marketing spend. They’ll create more revenue-generating opportunities.

What about paying their employees?
What about paying their bills?
What about paying their equipment rentals?

They’ve already taken care of those things. The Paycheck Protection Program might help supplement some of those things but that’s the biggest difference between the “thrive mentality” studio owners and the “survival mentality” studio owners:

Survival Mentality: Sees the online fitness option as a supplement to get through Coronavirus
Thrive Mentality: Sees the PPP as a supplement to grow during Coronavirus

In a Crisis, “Change Your Question, Change Your Life” – Tony Robbins

I implore ALL fitness studio owners and staff to develop the THRIVE Mentality during this pandemic. Thriving allows you to survive every crisis, while surviving means there are only two options: survival or failure. Why not make success an option?

I love this Tony Robbins quote: “Change your question, change your life.” Here’s what I want this to mean for you and your fitness business:

Change: “How will I survive this crisis?”
To: “What can I do to thrive during this crisis?”

How To Take The First Step

ACTION PLAN: Scroll to the top of this page, hit the [FREE STRATEGY CALL] button and ask how you can convert your fitness studio into a revenue-generating online option in LESS THAN 24 hours.

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Loud Rumor
