The PPP Is Out Of Money & President Trump Allows States To Reopen

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Depending on your fitness studio and the action you’ve taken during this pandemic, these 2 Breaking News stories will either be considered good news or bad news. The first one is about the PPP or “Paycheck Protection Program.”

The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Is Officially Out Of Money

Small businesses will no longer receive money from the Paycheck Protection Program. The money that’s already been doled out to businesses is it. In fact, the Small Business Association (SBA) isn’t even accepting applications for it anymore.

That was fast.

We really hope our COVID-19 Updates for Fitness Studios Podcast helped you get that money when it was available and helped you take swift action in applying for it. If, not… 

It’s really important for you and your team to get locked into these updates. Now, if you didn’t get it, here’s what changes for you (and it’s NOT a bad thing):


That’s right. 

You can learn more about the PPP from Tina Garza and her team at Accountingprose.

Here’s why losing out on the PPP should NOT be a bad thing for you: 

As a fitness studio, you still have the opportunity to generate revenue with at-home workouts. 

You’re a business owner. An entrepreneur. Pivoting, sacrificing, and putting everything you possibly can into growing your business is part of the job. Which means, as business owners, we can’t rely on these emergency payouts. What can and always should rely on is ourselves.

No one will ever understand how important our businesses are to us. Which is why we’re the ONLY ones who can find, scratch, claw our way towards success during times like this.

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President Donald Trump Announces That Some States May Reopen

This is breaking news #2 and again, whether or not it’s good news or bad news depends on your fitness studio… 

President Donald Trump has announced that he’s spoken to Governors of certain states and has given them the option to reopen should they choose to do so.

This will likely apply to states trending downward, economically, so they’ll have an opportunity to get back to normalcy, save businesses, save jobs, and push through. Is your state reopening?

Word of caution if your state is reopening

WARNING: Do NOT fully go back to normal. Here’s why: Many of the top fitness studios we work have already been preparing for HOW they’ll reopen and it’s smart.

The worst thing we can do is pretend like Coronavirus never happened… that’s how second waves of the virus spread uncontrollably. Here are some of the measures fitness studios who will be allowed to reopen are taking, and it’s VERY smart:

  • If they had 30 people in a class pre-pandemic, they’ll have 15 with social distancing measures in place
  • If they only had 15 minutes between classes, they’ll now take 30 minutes so they can properly disinfect the area and equipment
  • They won’t allow for showers or locker rooms to be used
  • They’ll maintain social distancing check-ins and interaction

We know you’re ready for this to be over, but the best thing to do is to pretend like Coronavirus is still extremely dangerous and proceed with caution. HOWEVER…

Final Thought And This Is EXTREMELY Important

You MUST keep your virtual workouts going. DO NOT STOP running your online fitness studio. 

What if there’s a 2nd wave? What if there’s another unforeseen event? Don’t suffer or struggle through it again. Don’t wait, hope, or pray for government assistance. If you’ve built an online fitness option, you’re already on the path of making yourself pandemic-proof and recession-resistant — NEVER let that go.

If you haven’t created an online fitness option, you need to do so NOW. Hit the [FREE STRATEGY CALL] button at the top right of this page OR learn more about it here:

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