With new systems and fitness sales training, Casey Bloemke owner of three Farrell’s eXtreme Bodyshaping studios, skyrocketed membership numbers by 125% to a staggering 1,200 members across the three locations! And they still close at least 67% of their leads!
These numbers from Casey’s fitness studios are insane! He’s the owner of several Farrell’s eXtreme Bodyshaping studios in the Twin Cities, MN area, where they focus on four key pillars, kickboxing, strength training, nutrition, and accountability.
How did he do it? Watch the full video here.
The Difference Maker: Perspective
Casey recalls the most significant change he had to make was in himself. He had to learn to be coachable and be willing to learn what he didn’t know.
Starting out, Casey wore all the hats. Now, with three locations running smoothly, none of the daily operations require his presence. And that’s a good feeling! “Any driven entrepreneur will tell you that just because I’m not working in that part of the business, now I have a whole new can of worms to look at and to work on. Which is what it’s all about, growing.”
Implementing New Systems & Fitness Sales Training
It’s easy for teams and employees to see new systems as frustrating and confusing. But not at Farrell’s eXtreme Bodyshaping! “I always lead with why, I developed these systems, but I don’t just tell them to do it, I say well, I’m going to try to make your life easier, I’m going to empower you to be a better leader at your studio.”
Casey sings the praises of implementing the playbook because, as Mike has said, the team that trains the best behind the scenes is probably going to win. Part of their new systems and processes was enhanced fitness sales training.
They now have a regular training cadence, and follow what they learn in the Loud Rumor GSD 360 program. The team practices role-playing, and together, they continue to learn and enhance their fitness sales training.
It doesn’t hurt that Casey also managed to poach his killer team of coachable and driven sales assassins from big box gyms. They were able to fit right into his existing fitness sales training program and are largely responsible for their incredible 67% close rate.
Raising Gym Membership Rates
Between once a quarter and twice a year, Casey hikes up his gym membership rates by a small margin. This is something he knew must be part of their permanent structure and didn’t shy away from making it happen.
“It’s just simple math, at the end of the day. It’s a lot easier to bump up membership rates by $5 than it is to get a bunch of new members.” At Loud Rumor, this is one of the principles we teach. Any revenue generated strictly by increasing the price goes straight to the bottom line because you haven’t changed anything else in your operations.
So what’s next for Casey and his three Farrell’s eXtreme Bodyshaping locations? All he knows is that it’s all new territory, and he’s grateful for Loud Rumor’s support. “I’m still trying to grow. For me, it’s always personal development, mindset, leadership skills, and communication.”
To learn more about how Loud Rumor helps gym owners like you impact more people, get more gym memberships, and win back your time, schedule your FREE strategy session today by clicking the button below!