d1 boise OWNER shaun wardle

From $70 to Over $100K A Month in Just 1 Year: Interview with Shaun Wardle of D1 Boise

d1 boise OWNER shaun wardle

From $70 to Over $100K A Month in Just 1 Year: Interview with Shaun Wardle of D1 Boise

d1 boise OWNER shaun wardle



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In this episode, Shaun Wardle from D1 Boise shares how he and his team were able to achieve fitness studio growth from $70 to over $100,000 a MONTH in just one year!

Imagine this– it’s April 2020. We already know how challenging 2020 was for many businesses, especially those in the fitness industry. It’s been just one year since you’ve opened your doors and your bank account is down to $70.  

Fast forward one year later, and you’re raking in $106,000 in revenue per month. That’s what Shaun Wardle and his team at D1 Boise have been able to do at their studio in just one year. 

Read on for the insider scoop on their strategies for fitness studio growth! Or catch the full interview HERE!

Creating a Unique Experience

Shaun Wardle is a third-generation fitness industry entrepreneur but was new to the D1 franchise when the infamous 2020 hit. He had just cleared payroll with only $70 left in the bank. He’d already decided not to charge customers he couldn’t serve. 

How did Shaun and his team overcome a 60% membership loss and $70 account balance? SPOILER ALERT: They are now in the top 5% of their franchise!

The D1 model is a class-based model, primarily offering trainer-led classes. This increases trainer interaction and increases the value perception of the client. They call it “a place for the athlete” and identify an athlete as anyone that’s committed to their sport or fitness.

Shaun’s studio also offers a scholastic program geared towards youth, starting at age 7. This program was the first opportunity they had for fitness studio growth when they finally reopened in May 2020. Kids had been cooped up for nearly two months and they were able to provide an incredible outlet that added an immediate revenue reboot. 

Creating a Dream Team – Shaun’s #1 Goal to Fitness Studio Growth

Shaun believes that people are the only things that matter in this business. Our industry exists to serve and make your goals our goals. As a gym owner, you need to commit to your people. 

One thing Mike has learned in 23 seasons of coaching is that some parents are better leaders than others–especially the ones new to the game. They tell their kid that they just need to focus, they just need to push harder. 

Unfortunately, some gym owners take the same approach. They bring in a new manager who has no idea what they’re doing and fail to train them properly. They simply set the standard and step away. These aren’t effective strategies for fitness studio growth. 

In this video, you can learn how to train your team to sell more gym memberships in just 10 minutes! Check it out!

And D1 Boise knows the importance of good people and good training. When bringing in a new manager or team member, you have to remember they won’t know your clients or your client issues. You as the leader need to develop them into what you need, it’s an investment. And it takes practice to get there, so let them practice. They need to test and fail before they develop the skills to succeed. 

Mike and his team got a chance to visit D1 Boise. They talked with Shaun’s studio manager, Tanner. Listen to what he had to say, below!

Finding Major Solutions to Major Problems

Having a bank balance of $70 is a major problem, and D1 Boise needed a major solution. Shaun became the subject matter expert on PPP loans and spent over 100 hours to see how this could help them see the next month at their gym.

He focused big energy on a big problem rather than expending big energy focusing on all the little problems. As a gym owner, you need to know what your “big problem” is and focus your energy on solving that one problem. 

When they were shut down, D1 Boise took stock of what wasn’t working and one of those was lead generation. They allocated some of that PPP money for leads. More big energy focused on a big problem to learn how to make that PPP money work for them. 

Shaun and Mike dove into these and several more strategies in this GSD episode. Be sure to watch the whole interview!

Shaun and his team at D1 Boise are a part of the GSD 360 TEAM Program. This is an exclusive group that provides:

  • one-on-one consulting
  • daily calls where studio owners meet and ask questions to experts
  • a platform with hundreds of training videos specific to growing your fitness studio

…and much more! These are the top 5% of fitness studios that we work with. If you want to grow your fitness studio and become a part of this exclusive group, click the button below and email “MORE INFO” to [email protected].