Top 4 Fitness Marketing Offers That Drive In Gym Leads

Fitness Marketing Offers

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People love deals. That’s why sites like Groupon, Livingsocial, etc. attract so many customers. And when it comes to your fitness marketing offers, it’s no different.

Fitness studios are guaranteed to attract more members when they provide an awesome offer. That being said, here are the top 4 promotions our members and other studios use to drive in leads.

best performing fitness studio offers cheat sheet (1)

Fitness Marketing Offer #1: Free Class, Week, Month, etc.

When someone is introduced to a fitness studio, they’re typically hesitant to invest. They don’t know who the instructors are, what the fitness style is, and whether or not it’s somewhere they’ll thrive. That’s why a free trial is huge for prospective members.

Some places offer a free 1st class, others offer a free 1st week (which we found performs the best). After searching “gym” in Google, these results showed up:

Mountainside Fitness Free Offer

Tom Hatten‘s Mountainside Fitness & Gym shows up with what? “Get Your First 30 Days Free.” Which one of these search results, even though it’s an Ad, will prospective members click on most?

That’s right… FREE!

Regardless of whether it’s an Ad or not, when it comes to local search, the link at the very top of any search gets clicked 28.5% of the time. The next closest link is at 15.7%—huge difference. However…

If your link is 2nd in a local search, but yours says “FREE WEEK PASS” and the other says something like the above “Clean and Safe,” you’re likely to win that click battle.

On top of that, “80% of consumers are more likely to shop from a new brand if it has a discount coupon offer” and 97% of buyers look for deals before they make a purchase.” (Source: Save My Cent)

So, adding a FREE class, workout, week, or month as a fitness marketing offer is an undeniable way to get people into your fitness studio.

Fitness Marketing Offer #2: One Month of Unlimited Classes for a Discount

When consumers see “month” rather than “week” or “class,” it creates motivation. Consumers feel like they’re more likely to obtain their fitness goals if they are given a deal that lasts longer – that’s why the 1 unlimited month for $xx is such a hot commodity.

One ad through Groupon for Bikram Yoga Phoenix offered $17 for one month of unlimited classes, which was a huge success. It got over 1,100 purchases and 93% of consumers said they would recommend the deal. The offer also got 264 shares on Facebook (to date) directly from the Groupon page… which is gold.

This deal got a ton of traction because people love knowing they have access somewhere for an extended period and at an affordable price!


When you combine the “free class/free week” with an unlimited month for a discount, magic happens. See how and what this combination got a studio as part of their fitness marketing strategy… (31 leads in 24 hours, 89 leads in 6 days!)

Fitness Marketing Offer #3: Membership Deals

One of the most successful membership deals on Groupon right now is through Gold’s Gym.

They offer a promotion of $19.99 for a 1-month membership and 1 free personal training session.

Remember, people who want to start a membership at a fitness studio are often hesitant because it not only costs more than they think they’re ready to pay for, but there also tends to be other hidden fees as well.

That’s why membership deals are great. They can experience the value and understand just how much of a discount it is… and why the regular price of membership is justified.

This offer got over 10,000 purchases on Groupon, and 89% of the buyers said they would recommend the deal to others.

And, since 91% of consumers prefer offers that are tailored to their needs, this strategy is a great way for studios to encourage their visitors to become loyal members so that they can constantly work toward their fitness goals!

Fitness Marketing Offer #4: Access to Different Classes

Pure Barre nailed this one when they offered $49 for 10 classes on Groupon. This got them over 1,000 sales, over 1.1k Facebook shares, and 98% said they’d recommend the service. Those numbers are killer!

The reason class passes are such great offers is because they give people more freedom. Most studios don’t put a timestamp on them, so students can use the pass over the course of 1 or more months. It’s also a great way to invest in a studio and see what it’s like without jumping on a membership right away; it’s also enough time to actually see results.

What other offers and promotions do you know of that have seen a huge success for their fitness marketing efforts? Let us know below!

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Loud Rumor
