GSDCON | #1 Conference for Gyms & Fitness Studios | November 2-3

Facebook Pixel: One of Your Best Local Fitness Business Marketing Tools

Facebook Pixel

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Facebook is one of the most powerful advertiser platforms for local businesses. In a recent case study, Facebook advertising generated over 400 new leads of one of our clients in 31 days.

That means that more than 400 people saw our client’s ad. They were intrigued enough to click through to their landing page. Then, convert. That’s a game changer.

But not everyone who visits a landing page converts right away. Enter the Facebook pixel, without a doubt one of your best marketing tools.  

1 — The Facebook Pixel Is Simple

Last year Facebook announced that it would ditch its 2 separate Conversion Tracking and Custom Audience pixels. That way they could create one that serves both functions. So now you can use one code that automatically does both for you.

Each Facebook for Business account is assigned its own pixel, which can be accessed  through Ads Manager.

facebook pixel

The Facebook pixel is now made up of two parts:

  1. The base code, which was carried over from the previous Custom Audience pixel
  2. And the Standard Event code, which tracks your page’s conversions

Every page of your website should include your pixel for retargeting purposes. However, the Standard Event will change depending on each page’s purpose.

To install the facebook pixel, you’ll need to access your page’s HTML. There are a few different paths to get there, depending on how your site is hosted.

Paste the code between your page’s head tags and below any other code you may have in your header.

Facebook pixel code

2 — Jog Client Memory

Sometimes leads click a Facebook ad but get distracted before they convert on the landing page.

This might be because they aren’t ready to invest. They want to scope out other offers, or they simply want to learn more about the business first.

Regardless, you don’t want a lead to go cold just because they decided not to opt in at that moment. So, when local gyms and fitness studios use the Facebook pixel to retarget prospects, those prospects will see that same offer or product again.

That’s the power of retargeting. You can choose to retarget prospects for up to 180 days, which gives them 6 months to click through your Facebook ad and convert.

3 — Create Brand Recognition

That 6-month retargeting window allows local businesses to track their leads all over Facebook and build brand recognition.

Someone who visits to your landing page or website may not be ready to invest in your kickboxing, yoga, or pilates classes yet. That’s why you’re a fitness studio needs to install the Facebook pixel.

When people see your retargeting ad in their newsfeed again, it ingrains your company into their subconscious! So, the next time they want to find a place to workout, your studio is top of mind.

fitness sales facebook cheat sheet

4 — Track Conversions

Every fitness business wants more leads. But, what’s even more important than generating those potential clients is tracking how many actually convert.

Again, that’s where the Facebook pixel comes in…

By editing the Standard Event snippet within your page’s Facebook pixel, you can identify how many customers performed the desired action.

This is a simple line of code included in the Facebook pixel. It allows you to customize tracking based on visitors’ actions.

We use the “Lead” event nearly every time. What’s cool is, you can choose from 8 more options. From “Key page view” to “Add payment info,” whichever best suit your page’s goal.

Facebook Pixel Standard Event

As those leads come in, Facebook displays them all in Ads Manager. From there, you can identify which ads perform the best so you can optimize accordingly.

So if you’re a pilates studio and you run two Facebook promotions (1 free week and an unlimited month for $34), you can track which ad offer attracts the most potential customers!

What other ways have you used the Facebook pixel to drive more leads to your fitness business? Let us know in the comments below.

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Loud Rumor
